Tuesday, March 14, 2006
About Me
- Name: micki
- Location: United States
No digital photography here folks. Only film, all the time. No post processing. I shoot it, I have it developed, I scan the print, I post it. It is hoped that you would respect my ownership of the images posted, despite the ease with which you could copy them. If you would like a true photographic print of any of my images, please contact me at goodiesbaker@yahoo.com and I will be happy to provide you with one. Weapons of Choice: * Minolta 7000 * Minolta 9000 *Minolta Dynax 9 * Konica Minolta 70 *Minolta x-700 * Minolta AL-F Rangefinder *1958 Minolta Autocord *Holga *holgamod Holga *PIX Panorama Toy Camera *Polaroid One Step Close Up Lenses: Too many too list, just read the stats for each shot I post Scanner: Epson 4990 Perfection Photo Favorite Films: * Kodak Tri-X * Fuji Superia * Ilford HP5+ -- Goal: To make the best exposure possible, on film. A Theme a Day *Sunday – Take A Guess *Macro Mondays *A Glimpse of My Town Tuesdays *Wednesday's Colors *Thursday's Critter *Unique Film and/or Camera Fridays *Saturday – Anything goes
My son's autism beat us both down last night. I feel like this little bee, fighting to get into the flower bud, all closed up tight. Some day this bud will open, and the bee will get through, but right now, things seem almost impossible. I'm waiting on the fringes, like the bee, for the oportunity to get inside that closed up world my son is trapped in. One day, when the bud opens, the world will see the beauty inside that I know is there. I know my son must be struggling more than I am; but today I feel overwhelmed, not hopeless, though. And if the bud never opens, little bee me will always be there for my son, ready to give whatever he can receive from me.
You have brought tears to my eyes. I cannot imagine the frustration and pain this must cause in your heart. I hope that some day he will bloom like the flower.
God Bless you.
Gosh, What a perfect image for you analogy. My thoughts are with you.
Amazing detail on this macro shot! That is one tiny bee! I like how the background came, makes the photo look 3D
Hm, sometimes the tiniest creatures have the biggest and kindest hearts.
This photograph and the given backstory both spell LOVE and HOPE beyond comparison.
My thoughts are with you. And I hope that the flower will open up and bloom, and cause you joyful tears.
I love the halo of hairs around the plant against the blurred background.
Love, be it between lovers, parents and children, or bosom buddies, is singularly the best gift from God to mankind. Following tightly behind is probably the nature. Rarely do we see both in one picture. This photo of yours, Micki, is your best gift for me today.
Micki, This is a great shot! Whether your son is bud or a flower, I believe he is more beautiful than this bud, you have so nicely captured, and still one of God's greatest creations...
Hi Micki, great photo for expressing your thoughts. A flower is a wonderful thing, even if it never opens.
I can't imagine how frustrating and heartwrenching some of your days must be. My heart goes out to you.
Thanks for the moving entry Micki, an honour to have shared a moment of your world.
You have caught the image at the opportune moment, is a very good photo.
Yes, .... really like that certain feeling that one would get, as if the insect is sitting up there and surveying the world around him. Appealing!
Colors, depth, lighting, ...... nice one!!
Nice colour and detail in this close-up. Good shot.
nice words go with great photos:-) i like the detail , colors ad dof here:-)
Micki, this is a beautiful shot. Amazingly captured by an amazing lady :)
Micki, this is wonderful, love the closeness of it. The detail is amazing, I need a new macro lens.
ohhh, my God!! hopefully that little bee will have in front of her a wide open flower waiting for her....it must be really hard to wait for it, but i'm pretty sure, and praying every day, that your son won't be trapped anymore.
Beautiful macro!!
by the way, i will add you to my blog, you have really wonderful and beautiful photos!! :)
Nice capture. I love the central composition. DOF is more than excellent. Congrats!
Perfect image to describe your thoughts and feelings, I really hope things sort out for your son and you. Wonderful shot.
...thank you for sharing with us, my thoughts are with you and your son, always hoping...and someday the flower will bloom.
They say a photo can be a 1000 words...in this post I think its the opposite, the story is more important and tells more than the wonderful photo.
A great photo, that's really touching with the story that goes along with it.
Spring is the time for opening up...and, as they say here, "time is the best medicine".
hi micki. lovely capture here. i am the godmother of two special needs kids and know a bit about how hard it can be when you feel like there's a barrier to communication with someone you love.
all my best, and prayers for the bud to open.
Keep on struggling to help him. Sorry that the road is so hard sometimes.
Regarding this shot, well, yeah, that's the stuff! A very exciting and pretty macro.
Very nice image.
Your bud will surely bloom into a beautiful flower...My thoughts and prayers are with you, Micki....God Bless!
Hope separates us from despair. I trust you will continue to find the strength, patience and love you need to keep working for your son.
lovely pastel greens, that little dab of yellow creates a great accent for the eye.
This is a very beautiful picture but today I am more touched by your wonderful words.
And I am sure the bud will open one day...
What a great shot. Sorry to hear your story, thoughts are with you.
Your story is quite sad Micki. I hope your son can break through the flower bud just like the bee in the photo.
I hope all is well for you and your son today. I can't wait for the weather to warm up here so I can try a shot like this.
Great capture and so meaningful words. Don't worry. The flower will bloom soon.
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